GaN Marathon 2024 will start in:
GaN Marathon 2024 is ON!
Just A Few Words
About The Event
GaN Marathon 2024 will be held in the heart of Verona, a UNESCO world heritage and set of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Several invited and regular speakers from Europe and overseas will discuss the latest advancement of GaN technologies in microwave, mm-wave, 5G communications, power conversion and optoelectronics.
Hotel Due Torri
Piazza S.Anastasia, 4 – 37121 Verona, Italy
Back-to-back talks and a dedicated poster session will favor the discussion. Coffee breaks and social lunches / dinners will ease networking.
Registrations at the GaN Marathon 2024 are now open.
15:00 CET, March 18th, 2024
3 keynote speakers - 32 invited speakers
Submitted papers will be presented in oral form, or during a dedicated poster session on the shores of Garda Lake, to ensure great visibility to your work.
Registrations are OPEN
Registration is now possible for presenting attendees only, through the dedicated link sent via email (check also your SPAM folder).
If you can't find your email please contact us.
Non-presenting attendee seats are fully booked.Publication on Power Electronic Devices and Components (PEDC)
This year GaN Marathon has stipulated an agreement with the new Elsevier Journal Power Electronic Devices and Components (PEDC).
Presenting authors will have the possibility of submitting an extended version of their abstract to a special issue of PEDC. After review and upon acceptance, the extended abstract will be published on PEDC, giving high visibility to the related results.
Power Electronic Devices and Components is a new gold open access journal, therefore contributing to this special issue will be an opportunity for you to play a leading role in defining the scope and development of this new title. We believe that the GaN Marathon special issue will be an outstanding contribution to our community’s understanding of the topic.
Note that open access fees will be waived for GaN Marathon attendees.
Publication on Power Electronic Devices and Components (PEDC)
This year GaN Marathon has stipulated an agreement with the new Elsevier Journal Power Electronic Devices and Components (PEDC). Presenting authors will have the possibility of submitting an extended version of their abstract to a special issue of PEDC. After review and upon acceptance, the extended abstract will be published on PEDC, giving high visibility to the related results.
Power Electronic Devices and Components is a new gold open access journal, therefore contributing to this special issue will be an opportunity for you to play a leading role in defining the scope and development of this new title. We believe that the GaN Marathon special issue will be an outstanding contribution to our community’s understanding of the topic.
Note that open access fees will be waived for GaN Marathon attendees.
These Are
Our Speakers

Hiroshi Amano
The Role of Nitride Semiconductors in Connecting Science and Society

Anthony Sanders
Integrated GaN Partitioning: Challenges and Solutions
Davide Bisi
Transphorm Inc.
Michal Bockowski
Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Srabanti Chowdhury
Stanford University
Eduardo Marty Chumbes
Raytheon Technologies
Patrick Fay
University of Notre Dame
Karen Geens
Nicolas Grandjean
Institute of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, EPFL
Åsa Haglund
Chalmers University of Technology
Oliver Hilt
Christian Huber
Kazutada Ikenaga
Taiyo Nippon Sanso
Ferdinando Iucolano
Jose Jimenez
Kozo Makiyama
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.
Elison Matioli
Institute of Electrical and Micro-Engineering, EPFL
Farid Medjdoub
Jeong-Sun Moon
HRL Laboratories
Kalparupa Mukherjee
Cambridge GaN Devices
Tetsuo Narita
Toyota Central R&D Labs.,Inc.
Gianmauro Pozzovivo
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Rachel Oliver
Cambridge University
Herbert Pairitsch
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Michael Mikulla
Fraunhofer IAF - Inatech
Jan Ruschel
Ulrich Schwarz
TU Chemnitz, Institute of Physics
Keisuke Shinohara
Teledyne Scientific Company
Mayank Shrivastava
Ulrich Steegmueller
Arno Stockman
Marnix Tack
Gan Valley / BelGaN
Tim Wernicke
Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Solid State Physics
Han Wui Then
Enrico Zanoni
University of Padova
D. Bisi
Transphorm Inc.
M. Bockowski
S. Chowdhury
Stanford University
E. M. Chumbes
Infineon, Austria
P. Fay
University of
K. Geens
N. Grandjean
Å. Haglund
Chalmers University
O. Hilt
C. Huber
F. Iucolano
J. Jimenez
K. Makiyama
Sumitomo Electric
E. Matioli
F. Medjdoub
J. Moon
HRL Laboratories
K. Mukherjee
T. Narita
G. Pozzovivo
Infineon Austria
R. Oliver
H. Pairitsch
Infineon Austria
M. Mikulla
Fraunhofer IAF –
J. Ruschel
U. Schwarz
TU Chemnitz
K. Shinohara
M. Shrivastava
U. Steegmueller
A. Stockman
M. Tack
Gan Valley / BelGaN
T. Wernicke
TU Berlin
H. W. Then
E. Zanoni
University of Padova
Attendees from all over the world are welcome! GaN Marathon 2022 had speakers from 15 countries!

The Topics

Have A Look At The
Event Schedule
09:00 - Conference Start
OPENING CEREMONY – Matteo Meneghini (General Chair)
09:30 - Keynote Session
Chair: Enrico Zanoni
- 9:30 – Hiroshi Amano, Nagoya University Vertical devices on bulk nitride substrates
- 10:00 – Anthony Sanders, Infineon Technologies Integrated GaN Partitioning: Challenges and Solutions
- 10:30 – Aurelien David, Google Revisiting the physics of InGaN LEDs: Myths and facts
11:20 - Optoelectronic Devices 1
Chair: Åsa Haglund
- 11:20 – Ulrich Steegmueller, ams OSRAM Game Changing semiconductor Technologies – From high-power to miniaturized and smart LEDs
- 11:40 – Nicolas Grandjean, Institute of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, EPFL Efficiency of III-nitride quantum wells: the importance of point defects
- 12:00 – Rachel Oliver, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge University Microscopy of cubic nitrides for LEDs
- 12:20 – Tim Wernicke, Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Solid State Physics Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of AlGaN based UVC LEDs
- 12:40 – Ulrich Schwarz, TU Chemnitz, Institute of Physics Transition between quantum confinement and bulk-like behavior in wide polar quantum wells
13:00 - Lunch
Lunch Break at Pizzeria Da Pino, Piazza Bra, 15 min Walking Distance from the Conference
14:30 - RF Devices 1
- 14:30 – Michael Mikulla, Fraunhofer IAF – Inatech Advances in mm-Wave Gallium Nitride HEMTS and MMICs in Gain and Efficiency
- 14:50 – Jose Jimenez, Qorvo 20 lessons learnt on 20 years working in GaN-RF
- 15:10 – Eduardo Marty Chumbes, Raytheon Technologies Millimeter-wave ScAlN RF Transistors – Status and Future Direction
- 15:30 – Franco Ercolano, University of Bologna TCAD analysis of the High-Temperature Reverse-Bias Stress on AlGaN/GaN HEMT
- 15:40 – Farid Medjdoub, CNRS-IEMN The next millimeter-wave breakthrough coming up with advanced AlN/GaN transistors
- 16:00 – Aniruddhan Gowrisankar, IISC Engineering a Low RF Loss HEMT-on-Silicon
- 16:10 – Patrick Fay, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame Advances in Polarization Engineering for Power, Linearity, and Thermal Management
16:50 - Power Devices 1
- 16:50 – Kalparupa Mukherjee, CamGaN Devices Next generation of ICeGaN for superior no load and light load performance
- 17:10 – Christian Huber, Bosch Is vertical GaN on foreign substrates feasible? Insights from the YESvGaN project
- 17:30 – Shun Lu, Nagoya University Recess-etching-free GaN p-MOSFET achieved by p-type contact to GaN/AlGaN heterojunction with Mg-annealing process
- 17:40 – Srabanti Chowdhury, Stanford University Diamond on GaN: On achieving low temperature growth and low thermal boundary resistance
- 18:00 – Davide Bisi, Transphorm Inc. Latest Progress on GaN Cascode Devices for High-Power Applications
- 18:20 – Lars Heuken, Porsche Elevating Electric Sports Cars: GaN Power Semiconductors Unleashed
- 18:30 – Karen Geens, IMEC GaN power device fabrication for extension to higher voltages
- 18:50 – Patrick Diehle, Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS Doping investigation of structured GaN devices by highly lateral resolved TOF-SIMS
20:00 - Invited, Committee & Sponsor Dinner
08:25 - Power Devices 2
Chair: Tim Wernicke
- 8:25 – Youssef Hamadoui, CNRS-IEMN High quality fully versus pseudo vertical GaN-on-Silicon pn diodes
- 8:35 – Arno Stockman, BelGaN Dynamic phenomena in 650V p-GaN technology
- 9:00 – Nicolò Zagni, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Insights from Device Simulations into Trapping Effects in Vertical GaN Power Devices
- 9:10 – Gianmauro Pozzovivo, Infineon Technologies Austria AG GaN Power HEMTs: Next Level of Performance-to-Cost Ratio for Broader Market Adoption
- 9:30 – Tetsuo Narita, Toyota Central R&D Labs.,Inc. Engineering of Channel Mobility, Threshold Voltage and Reliability in GaN MOSFETs Using AlSiO/AlN Gate Stacks Formed By Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
- 9:50 – Ferdinando Iucolano, STMicroelectronics GaN Devices: Industrial trends and challenges
- 10:10 – Yuji Zhao, Rice University Selective area regrowth and doping of GaN, diamond and BN for power devices
- 10:20 – Herbert Pairitsch, Infineon Technologies Austria AG Power-GaN, the long path from materials science to innovative products
11:10 - Growth Techniques 1
Chair: Matteo Meneghini
- 11:00 – Jan Kuzmik Slovak, Academy of Sciences InN/InAlN Heterostructures for New Generation of Fast Electronics
- 11:10 – Michal Bockowski, Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences GaN-on-GaN technology from the perspective of materials science
- 11:30 – Elke Meissner, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB Growth of thick freestanding 3-inch GaN crystals by vertical down-flow HVPE
- 11:40 – Christof Mauder, Aixtron SE 300 mm MOCVD Reactor Technology for Vertical GaN-on-Si Power Devices
- 12:00 – Yingying Lin, Nagoya University Anisotropic hole transport along [0001] and [11-20] direction in p-doped (10-10) GaN
- 12:10 – Kazutada Ikenaga, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation Advancements in MOCVD and Supporting Equipment Technology for GaN
- 12:30 – Gaudenzio Meneghesso, University of Padova The GaN4AP projects: results and challenges
12:40 - Lunch
Lunch break Hotel Due Torri, Lobby
13:40 - RF Devices 2
Chair: Gaudenzio Meneghesso
- 13:40 – Enrico Zanoni, University of Padova Degradation of RF devices
- 14:00 – Keisuke Shinohara, Teledyne Scientific Company GaN HEMT scaling for millimeter-wave applications
- 14:20 – Yvon Cordier, Univ. Côte d’Azur, CNRS, CRHEA Evaluation of ScAlN/GaN HEMTs grown by ammonia source molecular beam epitaxy
- 14:30 – Kozo Makiyama, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. High-power-density N-polar MIS GaN HEMT for power amplifiers
- 14:50 – Jeong-Sun Moon, HRL Laboratories Millimeter-wave Graded-channel GaN HEMT Technology for 5G and Beyond
- 15:10 – Hossein Yazdani, Ferdinand-Braun Institute Si-implantation for Low Ohmic Contact Resistances in RF GaN HEMTs
15:20 - Day 2 Closing
Break and Closing of Day 2
15:30 – Follow ACME people to bus stop – Meeting Point in front of the Hotel
16:00 - Bus To Lazise (Garda Lake)
Bus Transfer to Lazise on the shore of the Garda Lake (45 min)
17:00 - Poster Session
At Dogana Veneta
19:00 - Break
Break/Free Time during Dinner Setup (enjoy Lazise and the lakeside!)
20:00 - Conference Dinner
At Dogana Veneta
22:45 - First Bus To Verona
08:20 - Power & RF Devices 3
Chair: Arno Stockman
- 8:20 – Malik Rasik Rashid, IISC Physical Insights into the Processes Leading to Dynamic RON and its Mitigation Through Novel Surface Passivation Scheme
- 8:40 – Han Wui Then, Intel 50nm DrGaN in 3D Monolithic GaN MOSHEMT and Silicon PMOS Process on 300mm GaN-on-Si(111)
- 9:00 – Elison Matioli, Institute of Electrical and Micro-Engineering, EPFL Emerging Technologies for GaN-based RF and vertical power devices
- 9:20 – Oliver Hilt, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut AlN-based GaN channel HEMTs on AlN and SiC substrates
- 9:40 – Carlo De Santi, University of Padova p-GaN gate reliability physics
10:10 - Optoelectronic Devices 2
Chair: Ulrich Schwarz
- 10:10 – Claude Weisbuch, Ecole Polytechnique What we learned from photo and electro emission experiments in III-nitrides
- 10:20 – Matteo Buffolo, University of Padova Understanding UV-C LEDs degradation
10:30 – Lukas Uhlig Chemnitz University of Technology, Fast lateral mode competition phenomena in InGaN broad-ridge laser diodes - 10:40 – Åsa Haglund, Chalmers University of Technology Ultraviolet (light my way)…towards surface-emitting UV lasers
- 11:00 – Saulius Marcinkevicius, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Hole Injection into Quantum Wells of Long Wavelength GaN LEDs
- 11:10 – Jan Ruschel, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Operation-induced degradation effects in AlGaN-based UV LEDs
- 11:30 – Bernd Witzigmann, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Impact of alloy fluctuations on optical gain in AlGaN based UV lasers
11:40 - 12:00 - Closing Ceremony and Awards
Matteo Meneghini (General Chair)
Jane Roberts
Front End Developer - Vehement
Jacob Freeman
UI Designer - Massive Dynamic
Frank Ferguson
Visual Designer - Globex
Jacqueline Knight
Content Strategist - Umbrella IT
Betty Hopkins
UX Designer - Initech
Find About
The Organizing and Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Matteo Meneghini
Enrico Zanoni
Fabiana Rampazzo, Francesco Piva
Matteo Buffolo, Carlo De Santi

Scientific Committee
Frank Altmann
Fraunhofer, IMWS
Oliver Ambacher
Fraunhofer, IAF
Sylvain Delage
III-V Labs
Thomas Detzel
Infineon, Austria
Karen Geens
Francesco Iannuzzo
Aalborg University
Juraj Marek
Farid Medjdoub
Matteo Meneghini
Università di Padova
Piotr Perlin
Ulrich Schwarz
TU Chemnitz
Martin Strassburg
Arno Stockman
William Vandendaele
Andreas Waag
TU Braunschweig
Tim Wernicke
TU Berlin
Enrico Zanoni
Università di Padova
The Venue...
Hotel Due Torri
Piazza Sant’Anastasia, 4 – 37121 Verona, Italy
ATTENTION! The GaN Marathon does not have any official affiliation with hotels or accommodation structures. Therefore, it is your responsibility to independently search and secure your own hotel or accommodation for the event.
... And The Conference Reception
Dogana Veneta
Piazzetta Partenio, 13 – 37017 Lazise, Verona, Italy
Need More Informations?
Contact Us
If you experience any problem or need more informations about the event, get in touch with us and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Email: info@ganmarathon.com